19 Reasons Why Pam Would Be The Best Maker Ever
1. Pam will make SACRIFICES:
2. And when you’re her progeny, she’d almost start liking you:
3. It takes a lot to surprise her:
4. You’d learn how to stop people with just a finger ( and not even the middle one ):
5. She’d teach you to control your emotions:
6. Unless it’s about something that really annoys you:
7. She’d give necessary doses of tough love:
8. You’d learn to deliver some amazing death stares:
9. When it comes to the bar, no one could run it with more fierceness:
10. And you’d get lessons on being a witty bouncer:
11. With Eric as your grandfather, you’d be born into some serious greatness:
12. Priorities would be taught:
13. Want to learn how to cry like a beautiful rockstar ? Just watch Pam:
14. She has over a century’s worth of experience in perfecting a wardrobe:
15. But don’t get too obsessed with it because then she’d give you attitude:
16. If you do something truly fantastic, the reward is tongue:
17. She’s kinda new at hugging, so you’d have something to teach her:
18. Messing with her is one of the worst mistakes:
19. Because most importantly, she’s a protector (though she may roll her eyes about it):