У дивительноhe, но у меня по-настоящему весеннее настроение.В этом году зима не сдаёт свои позиции (у нас по прежнему снег, lol), а весна совсем не хочет приходить.Но никакая погода не может повлиять на моё настроение, так, что делюсь с вами своими любимыми "весенними" треками.Надеюсь они вам подарят чуточку хорошего настроения.Наслаждайтесь!
[музыка в блоге]
Dorian, carry on,
Will you come along to the end
Will you ever let us carry on
Dorian will you follow us down
This time is ours,
If I can hold this moment in my hands
I would stop the world from moving,
I'd stop the planets from turning
If nothing is safe then I don't understand
You call me your boy but I'm trying to be the man
One more day and it's all slipping with the sand
You touch my lips and grab the back of my hand
The back of my hand
I saw something sitting on you bed
I saw something touching your head
In the room where you sleep
Where you sleep
Baby my heart and soul
A giant in the room
I left him long ago, following you
Wind heavy on the ground
A cloak before the moon
I guess I've never known
Someone like you
So there goes my life
Passing by with every exit sign
And it's been so long
Sometimes I wonder how I will stay strong
Call it magic, call it true
Call it magic when I'm with you
And I just got broken, broken into two
Still I call it magic when I'm next to you
Is all we know
When thaw
Is not below us
No, can’t grow up
In that iron ground
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm moving past the feeling again