14 марта 2014 года в14.03.2014 11:15 2 0 10 1

There’s nothing like stepping onstage into a sold out crowd of almost 16,000 people. What inspires me to keeping doing this everyday, is the joy that I get when I sing onstage. It’s absolutely irreplaceable. With two years of sobriety, people think that I have it all together, but in fact, I’m just beginning. It’s easy for people to assume that everything’s taken care of and that I’m always camera ready, but in fact I wake up everyday like everyone else. I have the same worries and fears that everyone does. I’m afraid of spiders, I’m afraid of changing my hair and hating it, I’m afraid of being vulnerable in front of the world. It’s so scary to think that I may not get to the place where I want to succeed in my music, I just pray that I get to use my voice to the fullest. The hardest part about working on myself is being honest, not only with myself, but with everyone around me. Things like therapy, and constantly staying in touch with people that have helped me get to the place where I am in today. And I’m still facing these obstacles, and these problems, and getting through it the best way that I can. I’m a sister, I’m a daughter, I’m a warrior. People think that I’ve got myself together, but I’m actually still a work in progress.


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KIMRAVI — i need therapy


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r ose hathaway is wild, dangerous… insurbodinate. right here, folks. right here.


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Я влюбился во всех и сразу^^


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