03 февраля 2014 года в03.02.2014 21:08 1 0 10 1

i don't know why i am laughing so hard

I nterviewer: How do the other members of your touring band feel about the two of you fighting?

S ara: “ They encourage it . Me and Tegan fought in Toronto, and Tegan took this big tarp and threw it at me, and then I pushed her, and she fell over this fence. I remember looking up and seeing Rob (Chursinoff, drummer) and Chris (Carlson, bassist) with their jaws open. They were so thrilled that we fought. The same tour, Tegan locked me out of the hotel room, and when she opened the door, I kicked her in the back and attacked her. We wrestled on the ground for 45-minutes and she’ll tell you that she won but she just got lucky and pulled my coat over my head and tried to suffocate me so I gave up . But that has nothing to do with strength; it had to do with the convenience of my jacket. When the [the band] found out that Tegan fought, they were like, “ How come you never fight in front of us ?”

T egan: “We try to act like adults . Recently, the most horrible fight that we had was me locking Sara out at the hotel and then when she did get in the room, she attacked me from behind and kicked me down on the ground. We wrestled around and then I pulled her jacket up over her head and shoved her in between the hotel bed and the wall, and stood on her head until she couldn’t breathe . I think we got a lot of aggression out. I think that we get somewhere when we fight. The rest of the band was excited the next day. They were like, “ You guys fought! Oh my god! Do it again! Do it again!I like the fighting; I think its useful . ”


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