25 ноября 2013 года в25.11.2013 11:55 5 0 10 1

~ Young Adam ~


— I think she went to a bridge fully dressed and stood there breathing the warm night air. She took off her jacket and folded it neatly on the ground, and then she unbuttoned the blouse, and then undid her brassiere, let it drop down on top of the other clothes. She’d unbutton her skirt, let it slip down over her hips. Then she’d unroll her stockings and hold them out so that they blew in the breeze like penance before she let them float off into the night. And she’d shiver, and ask herself if she really wanted to go through with this, and she’d answer that question by kicking her clothes into the river. And hurriedly now she’d take off her garter and the knickers. And there she’d be standing in her petticoat, thinking about whatever it was that brought her to this. And then with her petticoat billowing around her, she’d drop into the water like a rose… and float there for a moment… and be gone.

— What kind of woman would do that?

— Just an ordinary woman.


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