24 ноября 2013 года в24.11.2013 20:44 5 0 10 1

Panchgani, March 15th 1962:

"Dear Mum and Dad, as I write this letter to you, I’m so angry because a terrible injustice happened to me. Let me tell you. We were all in the dormitory at Lawrence Villa, with Farang, Derrick and all the other boys. Suddenly, Bruce started to hit me. ‘Let’s box, bucky’, he said, and although I said no, he just started. Within a few moments, against my will, there was a boxing match and I was in the middle of it. The boys were all shouting and throwing pillows at us. Because of the noise, Mrs. Davis entered and stopped the fight. Bruce lied and said I was the one who started the fight and that he was just defending himself. All the boys backed him up so Mrs. Bazin, the principal, decided I had to be punished. What a terrible punishment they picked for me. I had to go to the barber’s shop and have my hair cut really short. I hated Bruce for that. You know how much I love my hair. It’ll never be the same again. I’m so sad and angry."

A letter Freddie sent to his family at the age of 16


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