19 октября 2013 года в19.10.2013 21:41 5 0 10 1

Brian & Anita's love appreciation post

"Brian told me that he had to become a guitarist because otherwise he’d never have met girls. I laughed because onstage even though he looks like this glamorous, sexy rock god, the truth is he’s entirely engrossed in the music and is so focused on what he’s playing that he doesn’t notice anything else going on around him. He’s not conscious of the fact that when he’s up there he’s undeniably beautiful." - Anita

"We have an incredible attraction to each other, a huge need for each other, which no one else can fulfil, but all the time life is telling us that it doesn’t work, because we don’t like the same things, we don’t like to be in the same places! I didn’t think that I could ever be with someone who didn’t like Led Zeppelin! And the stuff she likes I got dragged into by my heels - you know, the whole world of musical theatre made me physically ill - and still occasionally does. But I’ve got used to it now because of her. I’ve learnt so much; she has enriched my life beyond measure. " - Brian

"My husband has got me interested in astronomy, which is his passion, though I’m not as keen as he is. He’s the geek in the family. He’s an intellectual, a doctor of physics and a rock god. He has letters after his name and he’s written books. I just make the tea, wear glitter and sing a lot. We’ll have a conversation about the stars and he’ll say: ‘I’ve lost you, haven’t I?’ I’m not in the same league as him. I’ll say, ‘Yes, you have. So what do you want for tea?’ He says if he didn’t have me in his life, he’d be very dull. I think every professor should have a nutcase in their life. " - Anita

"Of course I love my wife and I think she’s beautiful. She doesn’t though, she says, “I wasn’t born pretty so I had to rely on talent.” But I find her very beautiful. It goes to show that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. " - Brian

"We went through hell, but I believe, having been married for 11 years and together for 25, it was true love." - Anita


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