19 октября 2013 года в19.10.2013 16:17 1 0 10 1

Phantogram – You Are The Ocean

This song is about you Cause I can't live without you And this song is about you And you know you've got problems But you can choose There's a hole in my conscience There's a hole in my country Like a hose that keeps running Like a hose that wont stop flowing And I know that it's coming It's coming, it's coming, it's coming soon Here's why Cause you are the ocean And I'm good at drowning (Does she feel good now?) The morning will follow I wont remember (Does she feel good now?) It feels like I've been here I've been here forever Does she feel good now? In the fall I get lonely In the winter I'm still lonely Come the mask of the springtime In the summer I go crazy Cause you are the ocean And I'm good at drowning (Does she feel good now?) The morning will follow And I wont remember (Does she feel good now?) It feels like I've been here I've been here forever Does she feel good now? Does she feel good now?


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