17 октября 2013 года в17.10.2013 16:56 1 0 10 1

I never thought of myself as a woman who could spend my whole life with just one person. Personally, I find a long-term relationships as a kind of a boring thing, you know – all this jealousy, intolerance, when all love is gone too far away and the relationships suddenly became useless because of a habit… that’s of course the worst thing that can happen, but still…

It’s all good at the beginning and that’s great! No thoughts about the future, no plans – just “now”, just feelings, all of the bright moments and sparkling emotions. When it’s gone – it’s over.

But since I’ve known about these two beautiful people, who now are so dear to my heart, I revised some of my life-views. It’s the mutual respect, support and undeniable love – what made me think, that maybe someday I’d like to have something like they have. I hope to find somebody to spend the rest of my days with. But till then I will just live. I want to travel, to meet people, to make art… just live, you know.

There will be a time to settle down, for sure. And when I’m ready – I’m ready. Now there’s no need to rush.


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