09 сентября 2013 года в09.09.2013 22:59 1 0 10 1

I didn't write here for a long time. Everything has changed. I didn't love him any more. Have problem with session, that's why I started to smoke, but honestly I understand that I don't depend on this bad habit. Unfortunetly, I forget english. But… I believe that I can do a lot, because impossible is nothing. :)


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ANNSDREAM — Stars of Me


Day 4. Happiness is in him.


Day 3. Happiness is in any decisions. It's better than do nothing.


Day 2. Happiness is in somebody's ideas and in the organic soap.


Day 1. Happiness is when you like how you look in the mirror.


Today my friend and I exchanged plants. It was a bit unusul for me.


So actual when you burn from feelings and emotions, but you can't find words to express.