Я люблю вас Truly, Madly, Deeply.
Вы Change My Mind.
Вы моя Summer Love.
И для меня Still the one.
С вами Nobody Compares.
И я понимаю это Over Again.
I would увидеть вас.
И если увижу, меня охватит Heart Attack.
Я хочу Kiss You.
Хочу, чтобы именно с Вами был мой Last First Kiss.
И чтобы They Don't Know About Us.
В свои страны мы вас зовем C'mon C'mon.
Хочу, чтобы вы Rock Me.
И сказали друг другу She's Not Afraid, надо взять ее с собой.
Я люблю все ваши Little Things.
С вами мы, Дирекшенеры будем Live While We're Young.
I love you Truly, Madly, Deeply.
You Change My Mind.
You are my Summer Love.
And for me Still the one.
With you Nobody Compares.
And I understand it Over Again.
I would see you.
If I see you, at me to happen Heart Attack.
I want Kiss You.
I want that my Last First Kiss was with you.
And They Don't Know About Us.
To our countries we call you C'mon C'mon.
I want you to Rock Me.
Also told each other:
«She's Not Afraid, we have to take her with you».
I love all yours Little Things.
With you, we will Directioners Live While We're Young.