Meaning of GAL PAL -
This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of GAL PAL is. The slang word / acronym / abbreviation GAL PAL means…. Internet Slang.
gal pal - definition of gal pal by the Free Online Dictionary…
CAPTION(S): COOLER CUSTOMER Vogue Wilson tops poll for best gal pal yesterday. Vogue's toast of town by The Mirror (London, England). Gal Pal Friday …
Programmable Array Logic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term "complex programmable logic device" (CPLD) was introduced to differentiate these devices from their PAL and GAL predecessors, which were then …
The Gal Pal
The GAL PAL is the most innovative and exciting women's beauty accessory item seen in years. It's 6-in-1 beauty functions provide all of the necessary tools for …
Urban Dictionary: gal pal
A girl with whom you have a platonic friendship. N.B 'platonic' refers to a non-sexual friendship, as opposed to 'romantic'.
Gal Pals |
Gal Pals |… Gal Pals: Our Hot 100 Picks. by. Trish Bendix, Managing Editor. on June 6, 2013 | Comments (3). "I want to bone Charlize Theron.".
Gal Pals Archives -
4 дня назад - Gal Pals: Pride and Karaoke · Emily sings Tracy… Gal Pals: Zoe Saldana's Sexual Ambiguity… Gal Pals :DOMA and the closing of lesbian bars.