DVD Forum Official Website
This is the primary industry association for DVD. Site resources include technology briefs, conference schedules and news archives.
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EzyDVD - Australia's first and largest online DVD and Blu-ray store
Australia's largest online DVD and Blu-ray store. Online sales of DVD audio, DVD video, DVD movies and Blu-ray movies. Enter competitions to win DVDs and …
DVD Decrypter
The original unofficial DVD Decrypter mirror since June 7th, 2005.… I decided to make a simple, easy to remember mirror for the final release of DVD Decrypter.
DVD Flick
DVD Flick aims to be a simple but at the same time powerful DVD Authoring tool. It can take a number of video files stored on your computer and turn them into a …
DVD Reviews for Movies and TV Shows, News & Release Dates - IGN
Find out when your favorite movies and TV shows release on DVD. Read IGN's reviews and previews to learn which DVDs are worth your money.