18 мая 2013 года в18.05.2013 18:56 118 0 10 1

Stolen from Tumblr. LOL I like such kind of stuff

  • 1: What color(s) are you socks?
  • 2: What book are you currently reading?
  • 3: What’s the weather like right now?
  • 4: What is your middle name?
  • 5: Were you named after anyone?
  • 6: Show a sample of your handwriting!
  • 7: Do you play any instruments?
  • 8: What is your religion?
  • 9: What was the last comic book you read?
  • 10: Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • 11: Sate 5 facts about yourself.
  • 12: State 5 facts about your bestfriend.
  • 13: State 5 facts about your crush/boyfriend/girlfriend.
  • 14: State 5 facts about your appearance.
  • 15: State 5 facts about your hometown.
  • 16: Do you think you’d make a good parent?
  • 17: Would you ever consider adopting kids?
  • 18: Would you ever get an abortion?
  • 19: What’s a strange memory from your childhood?
  • 20: Do you think cheaters (in relationships) deserve a second chance?
  • 21: Do you find the last person you texted attractive?
  • 22: Would you date the last person you texted?
  • 23: How did you meet your boyfriend/girlfriend?
  • 24: Name all of your siblings.
  • 25: Do you have a good relationship with your siblings?
  • 26: Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
  • 27: What was the last cd you bought?
  • 28: Do you own any vinyl records?
  • 29: How many songs do you have on your ipod/music device?
  • 30: Turn on shuffle; what are the first 5 songs that come up?
  • 31: Do you have/want any tattoos?
  • 32: How many piercings do you have?
  • 33: Can you sing?
  • 34: Do you consider yourself a good student?
  • 35: What was the worst trouble you’ve ever gotten into?
  • 36: What’s a favorite movie someone else introduced you to?
  • 37: Do you know anyone your age who’s had a kid already?
  • 38: What is your heritage?
  • 39: Do you like where you live? Where would you move?
  • 40: Do you like the sound of your voice?
  • 41: How long is your hair?
  • 42: What was the last thing you drew?
  • 43: Are you the type to make lists?
  • 44: What’s your morning routine like?
  • 45: Were you involved in sports in school?
  • 46: Who is/was your favorite teacher?
  • 47: Did you ever have to wear braces?
  • 48: What are things you do when you’re nervous?
  • 49: Do you like going out to eat?
  • 50: [Whatever you’d like to ask]


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1: What color(s) are you socks? white 2: What book are you currently reading? "Message in the bottle" by N. Sparks ...


Stolen from Tumblr. LOL I like such kind of stuff

1: What color(s) are you socks? 2: What book are you currently reading? 3: What’s the weather like right now? 4: Wha...