12 мая 2013 года в12.05.2013 14:58 0 0 10 2

‘Cause you guys are like my family. Mr. Schue’s like our dad. And Mercedes and Tina and Sugar and Mercedes, you guys are all like my sisters. And Mike Chang and Blaine and Jim, you guys are all like my brothers. And, Artie, you’re like the boy next door who builds robots in his basement and who I take his virginity, and Jake and Marley and Ryder and Kitty, you guys are all like the foster kids, who come to live with us when the orphanage closes and that we don’t trust at first but we grow to love just like we do our pets. And then there’s Sam, the cute boy from the wrong side of the tracks, who does good impressions and who I fake marry. No cries. And there’s Santana…

— Brittany S. Pierce.


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