Joseph Spieldenner: You guys are putting me through it! These are the two most complicated relationships in the show for me! I’ll shoot for brevity. Twenty-two years before Oscar Wilde was born, I feel as though my love for Enjolras is “the love that dare not speak its name.” There are several references in the novel to R’s disinterest in women, and yet his complete devotion to the guys. Especially in his death, he proves that the love he has for them is far greater than his love of self or even of the cause. Central in that love is his admiration of Enjolras. As with most alcoholics, he doesn’t just drink for fun. He’s burying the pain of absolutely unrequited love. " One more lie, ” my last line in “Drink With Me, ” has a far deeper implication.
Я даже не буду это переводить. Мне срочно нужен бутлег с этими ребятами :)
Когда я думаю, что мой мир приходит в порядок, Stage Door Dish пускает это интервью. Я не могу ещё больше обожать и ненавидеть этот сайт :)
Я думаю, что Благдогу стоит подвинуться у штурвала корабля E/R.