18 апреля 2013 года в18.04.2013 12:59 2 0 10 1

Какой красивый язык!!! Литература на английском языке - воплощение грациозности!!! Отрывок из "Черного принца" Мердок. Про отношения, развод и вообще… :)

"There is nothing quite like the dead dull feel of a failed marriage. Nor is there anything like one's hatred for an ex-spouse. (How can such a person dare to be happy?) I cannot credit those who speak of «friendship» in such a context. I lived for years with a sense of things irrevocably soiled and spoiled, it could give suddenly such a sad feel to the world sometimes. I could not liberate myself from her mind. This had nothing to do with love. Those who have suffered this sort of bondage will understand. Some people are just «diminishers» and «spoilers» for others. I suppose almost everybody diminishes someone. A saint would be nobody's spoiler. Most of one's acquaintances however can be blessedly forgotten when not present. Out of sight out of mind is a charter of human survival. Not so Christian, she was ubiquitous: her consciousness was rapacious, her thoughts could damage, passing like noxious rays through space and time. Her remarks were memorable. Only good old America cured her for me in the end. I put her away with a tedious man in a tedious and very distant town and was able at last to feel that she had died. What a relief".


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Вероника, не совершай ошибку, не связывай жизнь с кем-то.


Подлинное счастье стоит недорого: если за него приходится платить высокую цену, значит, это фальшивка. (с) К.Шанель



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охххохо я все узнала. вот те на.


а еще я влюбилась в несколько слов torture rampant lust villain relentless stymie


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