13 марта 2013 года в13.03.2013 17:22 5 0 10 1

I'll just keep quiet.

“Do I look okay?”

“You look fine.”

“You didn’t even look at me.” Chris pouts, turning around from the mirror to face his boyfriend. Darren is already in his pajamas, laying down on Chris’ bed and staring up at the ceiling. Darren sits up on his elbows to give him a look over before dropping on the bed again.

“You look fine, ” he repeats.

Chris frowns, knowing that fine wasn’t one of Darren’s usual compliments (they were usually beautiful, or gorgeous, or take your pants off we have 10 minutes). He walks over to Darren and hovers over him, placing his hands on his hips. “You’re grumpy, ” he says. Darren has an adorable little frown on his face, and his eyes are wide and sad. “I’m always gonna be grumpy when you go out with.. With him.” Darren pulls a disgusted face, and Chris laughs and leans down.

“But who do I come home to?”


“And who do I kiss goodnight?”


“Mhm, and who is my boyfriend?”

“Is there a point to this?” Darren grumbles. Chris smiles fondly and kisses Darren’s forehead, ruffling his hair.

“I’m saying that I’m yours and I always will be.”

Darren sits up on the bed and crosses his legs, taking Chris’ hand and lacing their fingers together. He lets out a sigh as he turns his head to the side, pursing his lips. “Fine. Just don’t stay out too late, kiddo.”

Chris pushes Darren playfully and smiles, leaning in for one last kiss.


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CHRISCRISS — one love


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я готова провести с тобой вечность.


Darren why