23 февраля 2013 года в23.02.2013 12:04 4 0 10 1

Сегодня ко мне в скайп постучался бот. Да не простой бот, а секс бот, предлагающий свои эскорт услуги по веб-камере. Ниже приведу наш с ботом душевный диалог.

maureen downs: heyyy thanks for accepting my add.

Fin: no problem xD but how did you find me?

maureen downs: u got anything fun going on ?

Fin: This is part of the Russian mentality.

maureen downs: im bored right now have nothing to do so just playing games on yaho

Fin: cool. Russian computers don't using for game, for this using bears

maureen downs: lol getting sort of horny

Fin: is not funny. i'm serious

maureen downs: do u have a cam? id like to watch u

Fin: no, I have no camera.

maureen downs: i have a cam if u want to watch me

Fin: no thanks

maureen downs: its free

Fin: of course there is always a catch in these cases.

maureen downs: ur not a little kid right?

Fin: this is a 18 +?

maureen downs: go here https://bit.ly/Vvsuhk so that u can see me, click accept invite

Fin: u bot?

maureen downs: i have a skirt white tank top and black thong right now

Fin: so sexy

maureen downs: what do u have on?

Fin: bearskin

maureen downs: lol we should get naked so we can see each other https://bit.ly/Vvsuhk

Fin: I feel good in the warm clothing

maureen downs: save the link if u want to play later

Fin: okay. keep in soul

maureen downs: are u in yet so i can lead you?

Fin: I excite bears. you will be a bear for me?

maureen downs: should i wear clothes or be naked when we get on cam?

Fin: u have to be a bear

maureen downs: click on cams once ur in i should be on the 3rd row on there

Fin: you love me? i love me too

maureen downs: u should be able to spot me the cute brunette lol

Fin: i love polar bears

maureen downs: my yaho is sort of freezing

Fin: oh sweetie cold baby. I'll warm you under his bearskin

Вывод: не спешите добавлять телочек из Америки в свой контакт-лист. Они могут оказаться вирусными.


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BRUTUSCAEPIO — Brutus Caepio


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