05 февраля 2013 года в05.02.2013 20:32 8 0 10 1

In order to fully enjoy life and the beauty of the world a man must be ready to accept all of the information that the world gives him. Beauty is everywhere and it's only the matter of being able to perceive.

I compare the man with the house, in which are plenty of windows. There is the consciousness inside the house. Outside the house is a huge world. While the
consciousness - I, is sitting in the dark room with a curtained, it doesn't know what is there, behind these curtains.
It thinks that life is bleak and dark, haunting the house without any light and bumps into a different things, not able to recognize the presence of light neither outside nor items inside in the house.

All that is required is just open the curtains.
The more windows are free of heavy black cloth, the more light will enter the house, the more clear will the things be that are inside.


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