02 февраля 2013 года в02.02.2013 19:44 1 0 10 2

A nother year you made a promise
A nother chance to turn it all around
A nd do not save this for tomorrow
E mbrace the past and you can live for now
A nd I will give the world to you

S peak louder that the words before you
A nd give them meaning no one else has found
T he role we play is so important
W e are the voices of the underground
A nd I would give the world to you

S ay everything you've always wanted,
B e not afraid of who you really are,
C ause in the end we have each other,
A nd that's at least one thing worth living for,
A nd I would give the world to you

A million suns that shine upon me
A million eyes you are the brightest blue
L ets tear the walls down that divide us
A nd build a statue strong enough for two,

I pass it back to you
A nd I will beat for you,
C ause I would give the world
A nd I would give the world
A nd I would give the world to you

T his is the new year
A new begining
Y ou made a promise
Y ou are the brightest
W e are the voices
T his is the new year
W e are the voices
T his is the new year


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