28 января 2013 года в28.01.2013 17:43 10 0 10 1

it's funny to remember our second talk when u said ur friend around - she is my future wife..i was laughting and now we dating more than 6 months.. many things facing us..its so hard and unpossible to stay so far from each other so long time..i believe that in nearest future God will bless us and i will hold ur hand and touch ur body and kiss ur swetest lips..i cant wait anymore, i just goin crazy and smt when u dont write me anything all day i goin mad and sad..cuz i start think that u neednt me anymore..but its just my bad imagination..i hope. i need u. kiss

P.S. I Luv u..


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CLAIRE — heal the world, make it a better place


мы наконец то встретились..


it's funny to remember our second talk when u said ur friend around - she is my future wife..i was laughting and now we dating more than ...


i will forget about u..it will be very hard for me.....


why we are so far from each other?


my mum dont understand me

моя мама меня не понимает, все началось сегодня с того что, я ей сказала, что завтра поеду в Омск на мастер классы по танцам, она начала ...


i know how its when nbody cant or dont want help u, ...