11 января 2013 года в11.01.2013 16:52 3 0 10 1

In two days I` ve read "The woman I never was" written by Majgull Axelsson.

It is something unique. With its characters, plot, ending and the main heroin. Her parents called her in different ways. But difference is not only in her names. She has two lives. In one, she is succesful woman-minister, who take care of her disabled husband. And in second she is his murderer, who was imprisoned for 6 years.

Maybe this story is her thoughts about what way of being would be right. Her husband took part in sex traffic and one day he was dropped from the third floor. His backbone was broken. How should she behave? Throughout the history you think how it would be right: to forgive or to kill. For whose you feel attitude. For killer, who became free from him? Or for those one who endure and live with mask?

The main idea is that both women are equal in one thing. This thing is that they don`t forgive and can`t forget.

my illustration.


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