05 января 2013 года в05.01.2013 12:35 3 0 10 1

Behind closed eyes lie
The minds ready to awaken you,
Are you at war with land
And all of it's creatures,
Your not-so-gentle persuasion
Has been known to wreck economies
Of countries, of empires, the sky is over,

Don't you want to hold me baby,
Disappointed, going crazy,

Not even from the sun,
Not even from the sun
Not even from the sun,
Don't you want me to run,

Even though you can't afford
The sky is over…


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Я как безумная птица, мне бы взлететь и сразу разбиться.


В твоих глазах глубина океана, И тоска там, как не зажившая рана.