09 ноября 2012 года в09.11.2012 08:47 5 0 10 1

слили альбом ещё в начале недели, но у меня не было желания его слушать. вчера решилась скачать, черт подери, он невероятный.и без слёз конечно же не обошлось. Аmy и Fuck Time безумно хороши. Nightlife оочень необычная для гринов, многим она не понравилась, но по-моему что-то в ней есть такое, а в Lasy bones я с первой же минуы влюбилась. а теперь поподробней:

See You Tonight

Maybe I'll see you tonight

Wherever the night takes you
Maybe you'll see me too

The colder it gets, you won't see me anymore
But there's still a chance I might walk to your door

Oh baby baby it's fuck time
You know I really wanna make you mine
Oh baby baby it's fuck time
There's not a man to say yeah
Take a look into my eyes
I wanna hold you till I'm paralysed

Stop When The Red Lights

Out of sight, out of mind
I'm not the hurting kind
I'll make you surrender!

Lazy Bones

I can't take it anymore
With all the liars
Like a prisoner of war
I don't want your sympathy
I don't want your honesty
I just want to get some peace of mind
It's only in my head

As I roll over and play dead
I don't want to hear it anymore

Oh you're not alone
And now I'm where I belong
Without a home
I hold your heart, and never let go


Are you bombing around?
Yeah, you're crying on my cold shoulder

You used to dangle minds with your puppet strings
You dangled your desires right in front of my face
You led me to the well but wouldn't let me drink
Swallowing my pride I never even got the taste

Wow! That's Loud

Dressed to the nights like a black cats eyes
You're such a beautiful mess tonight
Wow that dirty dress is so loud
Wow that dirty dress is so loud


Taking a ride to my old haunt
She’s in my blood, I reside in my nightlife
My favourite color’s candy apple, girl
And she resides in my mind and my nightlife

в общем, альбом я бы оценила на 7 из 10.

ждём ¡Tre!


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from “David Bowie Is” book.