02 ноября 2012 года в02.11.2012 07:08 4 0 10 2

the 2th of November

Hello there, I've made a disicion to diarize. I think it would help me remember some of my days of this weird life. Of course, there will be lots of grammar mistakes but it's normally for me because my english knowledges are quite poor. Now I'm gonna tell you what happened to me this morning. I got up at 10 o'clock because of noise and stupid sounds. My parents like to talk loudly and I hate when they do it! What is the point of my holidays if I can't get enough sleep? Well, never mind. The worst thing which could be happen to me did happen. What an irony! I got a message from my dear guy. He told that the distance between us makes him suffer. I don't want he has some problems because of me. I told if it's better for him I won't let him know about me again. In other words I meant it was the end for us. It sounds so painfully, I was really afraid of that moment. But whatever happens, he'll always be in my heart. I got him a special place in it. I can't ask life about anything more, just let him be happy. I want he'll be the happiest person. I would be ready to take him a part of my happiness if it was possible. What about the 2th of November…I'll always remember that date


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