30 октября 2012 года в30.10.2012 17:35 3 0 10 1


This is a crazy world

These can be lonely times

t's hard to know who's on your side

Most of the time

Who can you really trust

Who do you really know Is there anybody out there

Who can make you feel less alone

Some times you just can't make it on your own

If you need a place where you can run

If you need a shoulder to cry on

I'll always be your friend

When you need some shelter from the rain

When you need a healer for your pain

I will be there time and time again

When you need someone to love you

Here I am

If you have broken dreams

Just lay them all on me

I'll be the one who understands

So take my hand

If you reach emptyness

You know I'll do my best

To fill you up with all the love

That I can show someone

I promise you you'll never walk alone

Everybody needs somebody

Who keep a heart and soul in two

"Nothing I do seems to make a difference. I try and act like them but it feels impossible. It’s an awful feeling to believe you could be headed straight for the fires of hell. Even worse is everyone telling you how simple the solution is. They don’t know what it is to be in my shoes."


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