19 октября 2012 года в19.10.2012 13:55 0 0 10 1

Nicki Minaj - The Boys (ft. Cassie)

P unchline queen no box to dough
M ight pull up in a Porsche no box to dough
Tell the hater you don't you have shit to blow
' T ell them I'm Kangaroo Nick, I'll box the hoe
S hould've said I got five in the pastel boat
Don't go against Nicki immpossible
O ther king do it my wrist more popsicle
M enie's home couldn't ball with a testicle

Y our lipstick stains
S mells like a cheap hotel
D iamond watches and a gold chain
C an't make my frown turn around
The boys always spending all their money on love
The boys always spending all their money on love
hey wanna touch it, taste it, see it, feel it
B one it, own it yeah yeah
D iamonds are a paper chaser
G et that money yeah yeah

Y ou get high love a whole bunch of girls
And then cry on top of the world
ope you have the time of your life
H ope I don't loose it tonight
B all head, pussy got lots of juice
L op-sided on the curb so I block to coops
W atch the deuce, man I sting it and my kitty cat did it
Did you ever really love me stevey

The boys always spending all their money on love


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