03 октября 2012 года в03.10.2012 23:19 5 0 10 4

October 2012

Emma Watson, Logan Lerman, and Ezra Miller opened up to Luke Crisell in the October issue of NYLON about family, fame, and finding themselves through the book-turned-movie "The Perks of Being a Wallflower".

Emma Watson on taking on a cult classic:
"Whatever people might think about it, whatever criticisms they have, all three of us were so vulnerable. All three of us really gave it everything we could and everything we had, and all three of us went into the movie terrified and very much aware of what this book means to people."

Emma Watson on growing up in the spotlight:
"I've done my life backwards; it's really bizarre. Most of my friends are just about to start working, and I've had a job for the past 10 years. It's strange, because most people spend that decade figuring themselves out and figuring out what they like and what they don't like. Just making mistakes in the privacy of their own teenage bedrooms. And I am kind of doing everything in a different way, so sometimes it's a bit isolating."

Ezra Miller on what "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" meant to him:
"I felt like I had certain pieces of art that were almost body armor, it was the only protection or salvation available. These few films, few books, few albums and Perks was very much one of them. When I heard that they were making it into a movie…I was like, 'What the fuck is going on?!' Sign of the apocalypse number 104,436! That just can't go right. But it was sent to me and it said 'Written and directed by Stephen Chboksy, ' and it was like a switch flipped when I read that."

Logan Lerman on making a movie he can be proud of:
"I don't wanna make any more stupid films. I've done a few of those! I realized I had to do some films in order to do the films I wanted to do. Because there's a whole game in trying to work yourself to be in a position that you can make films that you want to make."



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