Есть маленькая, но все же вероятность, что ты это прочтешь. Я одновременно хочу и не хочу этого, так что напишу на английском, так как мой французский еще недостаточно хорош для этого.
Today we went for a walk. I went with Pasha, I mean. I was afraid of it. At first I was fearing that he won`t come, also I was scared about our dialogue, because he could thought that I`m silly. But everything was ok. He is very nice, I think. But one girl was in every story, which he told me. In my opinion, he likes her. It is not so good. She may be his best friend, I hope. Also he told me about his graduation party. They were drunk and they play in "bottle". Oh my God. I wish my classmates will be more…cultural. Finally he hugged me. That`s all. Our relations aren`t like my relations with Roma or Dima. My last boyfriends wasn`t my friends at the first time. So they were my boyfriends on the very short time. I wish my relations with Pasha will be different. Actually, if we were only friends, it would be good too, because he is very interesting person and I think that we will be able good friends.