27 сентября 2012 года в27.09.2012 07:36 0 0 10 1

I search for the answers I knew all along
I lost myself, we all fall down
Never the wiser of what I've become
Alone I stand a broken man
All I have is one last chance
I wont turn my back on you
Take my hand drag me down
If you fall then I will too
And I can't save what's left of you
Say something new
I have nothing left
I can't face the dark without you
There's nothing left to lose
The fighting never ends
I can't face the dark without you
Follow me under and pull me apart
I understand there's nothing left
Pain so familiar and close to the heart
No more, no last I wont forget
Come back down save yourself
I can't find my way to you
And I can't bare and face the truth
Say something new
I have nothing left
I can't face the dark without you
There's nothing left to lose
The fighting never ends
I can't face the dark without you
I wanted to forget
I'm trying to forget
Don't leave me here again
I'm with you forever, the end
Say something new
I have nothing left
I can't face the dark without you
There's nothing left to lose
The fighting never ends
I can't face the dark without you
Holding the hand that hold's me down
I forgive, forget you, the end
Holding the hand that hold's me down
I forgive you, forget you, the end


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