14 сентября 2012 года в14.09.2012 23:52 3 0 10 1

Friday,14 (thanks God not 13)

To say this day was hard is to say nothing. Due to our school schedule Friday is the hardest day of the week. Maths, physics, chemistry, ukr and foreign literature and history - for all lessons i have to prepare a lot. So i did. Yesterday, i did my homework in physics. There were 2 tasks. Though the last topic was rather hard it wasn't very hard for me to manage with those tasks. Anyway, the most important thing was that I was the ONLY person in the class who did that tasks. I felt so proud of myself, cause IT'S PHYSICS! I hope I got a good mark. This year good marks are very important

Also today i felt terribly ill. Up to the night i felt like i had a high temp, though i hadn't. A half of our class is getting ill also. Almost everyone's sneezing. Maybe it's a type of virus or something like that.

One more thing. I feel terrible without his massages. I don't know why. but this guy make me smile and fell like a WOMAN. It means a lot for me.

Vlad makes me laughing all the time. He's so funny. And i don't know what i feel about him.

And talking about you i don't know what to think and what to do. I haven't you. u aren't in my life. u don't exit. are u the past already? i don't want to believe in it. i miss u so much sometimes. u were the one who loved me.

don't want to think about it. i want to feel healthy now and listen to some good music.


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