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And i really love u sincerely and gentle…I search for your hands every night and love this feeling and suffer At the same time..U're everything I need and more..U re the only one i wanna.
HEYALEXA Just embrace me...
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HEYALEXA — Just embrace me...
And streets wait for a long time when I `ll compress...
To inhale his smell. .to keep his hand…to kiss his lips.. .neck… more low…and gently. To embrace and never release. ne...
u see?
Maybe u re really mu only one.Maybe i really wanna it but maybe no.I Dont know.. sorry and Im loosing muself..Dont wanna to angry u. Dont...
And i really love u sincerely and gentle…I search for your hands every night and love this feeling and suffer At the same time..U'r...
Peyton Elizabeth Scott
“At this moment there are 6,470,818,671 people in the world. Some are running scared. Some are coming home. Some tell lies to make ...
Everythng ll be alright.I belive u.
Never late to change smth.You should feel me and my desires.
Sex u, to care about we have, love u, to worry about u, to breath with u gu...