13 сентября 2012 года в13.09.2012 09:20 0 0 10 1

Good Morning

I need some sleep
You can't go like this
I'd tried to count some sheep
But there more than one i miss
I need some sleep

Time to put the old horse down
I’m in too deep
And the wheels keep spinnin’ round

Hey, good morning
Hey, it's calling
Hey, good morning
Watch the sun come up
It's calling
I want another day with you

Nothing to do to save his life
call his wife in
Nothing say but what a day
how's your boy been
Nothing to do, it's up to you
I've got noting to say but it's O.K.

I wanna show all my haters love
This song for you
If you acting like me and I was in your shoes
I'd probably hate on me too
See when you gettin big chash stacks
All the haters hate that
Cuz they hate to see you to be successful
I wanna show all my haters love
So I'd wave to you like
Good Mornin

Let's make this happen, girl,
We're gonna show the world that something
Good can happen here for yo-ou,
And you know that it will.
Let's get this started, girl,
We're movin' up, we're movin' up
It's been a lot to change, but yo-ou
Will always get what you want.

Sleep don't visit, so I choke on sun
And the days blur into one
And the backs of my eyes hum with things I've never done
Sheets are swaying from an old clothesline
Like a row of captured ghosts over old dead grass
Was never much but we made the most
Welcome home


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