11 августа 2012 года в11.08.2012 10:32 0 0 10 1

Skip The Use – Ghost

Time is running out
Ghost keeping me alive
I get what it means
You have to survive

Eight o' clock in the morning
To hard to give, to hard to live
I can't stop dreaming
Do you know what i'm in
You make up your angry eyes
You stay hidden but i see you smile
I wanna stay inside your arms
I want to feel fine
(You have to survive)

Twenty minutes and i'm ready
It's not raining today
I'm late and i must hurry
Welcome to my way
(You have to survive)
I don't wanna wet us i'm sorry
It's not raining today
Kill the light
I can see

Time is running out
Ghost keeping me alive
I get what it means
You have to survive

You know i'm on the road
We are playing tonight
Ever since this morning
Your kiss is on my skin
What's again tonight?
Will you talk to me?
You know i need you
To make it real

Time is running out
Ghost keeping me alive
I get what it means
You have to survive
(You have to survive)

You gonna die, die, die
I get, i get what they're saying to me
I gotta smile, smile, smile
Forget, forget, forget it i wanna be
Come inside my world
Live the gun outside
I've got the words
Let them blow your mind

It's a lie lie lie
I get i get what the story will be
You gotta try try try
Escape, escape, escape your misery
Stop the motion
I got the solution
Wake up, focus, (thrive?) and get free

Time is running out
Ghost keeping me alive
I get what it means
You have to survive


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