12 октября 2010 года в12.10.2010 13:07 3 0 10 2

I believe in nothing, not the end and not the start. I believe in nothing, not the earth and not the stars. I believe in nothing, not the day and not the dark. I believe in nothing but the beating of our hearts. I believe in nothing 100 suns until we part. I believe in nothing not in satan, not in god. I believe in nothing, not in peace and not in war. I believe in nothing but the truth of who we are.


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DENISOVDENIS — Life is for Living


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I believe in nothing, not the end and not the start. I believe in nothing, not the earth and not the stars. I believe in nothing, not the...


Жизнь игра, играй красиво! Ⓒ


легко нажать кнопку "удалить из друзей", но намного труднее нажать кнопку "удалить из сердце" Ⓒ


никто не умрёт девствеником.жизнь всех поимеет. Ⓒ Юль ⦁ Ка


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