25 июля 2012 года в25.07.2012 19:56 1 0 10 1

- PENDULUM — Witchcraft

It's in your eyes a color fade out

Looks like a new transition

The starting up and shaking your ground

Turning your head to see a new day calling

Does it feel like a head to lean on?

A snapshot from where you were born

I'm looking for your hand in the rough

You're caught in the wire

Well I'll lift you out

Leaning on the action

Caught in a cell phones rays

Bleeding on a sofa

Staring at the wayside

He's coming and she knows it

Even though she knows why

Footsteps in the hallway

Girl you haven't got time

You gotta get out

Go far away

Darkness in the bedroom

Maybe she's resting up

Maybe she was out late

Just come back from the club

I can't hear her breathing

Something doesn't seem right

Killer in the hallway

We're living on a set time

We gotta get out

Go far away


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IMURDERKIDS — deadbird


[ x ] [ o ] Миша такой Миша:, з


у него так мало настоящего в зябнущей под свитером груди, ты его не трогай, не расспрашивай, дай забыться, пусть себе сидит, в собств...


«В раю - не ждут. В аду – нет мест. Деваться некуда. Надо жить на Земле. Жить сегодня и сейчас. » - (c) ?


Ugh, I love it. Dean is not holding Cas back at any point. He COULDN’T. He’s nowhere NEAR strong enough to hold Cas back. He ...


"Ты надеешься, что Кастиэль вернется к тебе."