25 июля 2012 года в25.07.2012 14:45 1 0 10 1


No, I have nothing else.

Can you hear me, so I'm with you there.

Reading this rim you remember my dear

You're beautiful, yes. And you know,

I think I love you.

You are dear to me. Without you I am not.

You know that this is not a joke.

You see this, the star of the night beauty.

I know next to next to see?

I'm not a fool, I see that I am not yours,

But understand, I love you very much.

You're real, I have thought of you.

You're my dream, just toshlno without you.

I am a fool, like a fool, I thought that all comes out.

You do not even know, but. .

God, what you do. Just a dream.



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Ну вот.

Ну привет, мои любимые:З С сегодняшнего дня я начинаю новую "рубрику" "My love". Как вы поняли по названию сюда я буду скидывать все фо...


Какая сволочь кэпа обидела?((((