02 июля 2012 года в02.07.2012 23:17 2 0 10 1

We’re already half way through the year and I was thinking about my new year’s resolutions and how few I have achieved. Here is a list. (If you’re reading them on my blog I’m not sure the line through ones I have achieved will appear):

Watch all the harry potter films in a row
Eat a whole tub of ice cream
Buy a big issue
Make a new friend
Go on a diet, and stick to it
Get more than 85% in a test
Smile at a stranger
Fill my ask limit by sending lovely anonymous messages
Give money to charity
Finish my Wreck This Journal
Be nicer to my friends, buy them all a present for no reason
Talk to someone new on facebook
Take more photos
Earn some money
Be in a relationship, this will not happen but I’d like to think it could
Buy a lovely dress
Be off school for at least a day

As you can see I have not done very well. I hope to do them all by December though. I realised today that I’m never really happy with anything and I always notice things which could be better so instead of sitting around feeling like that I will change that. I want to be more interesting. And I want to tone my thighs haha. Aim high! I also want a job and I found a babysitter needed near where I live and I think I might as well go for it as I have nothing better to do. Work experience was okay and then I watched Juno in my pyjamas. I’ve taken to wandering the local streets at lunchtime to give me something to do


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