01 июля 2012 года в01.07.2012 14:57 3 0 10 1

I finally can say that i've changed!The person i am today is not the person who i was week ago.Amazing how people can change in just one week.But the change started when i realize that i am not supossed to be like that, my friends?i don't need them i have just one friend she's like my sister, she comes here on holidays and on summer but just this girl is my real friend!I don't have other friends they are all bitches who think that they are so beautifull and cool but they all just ugly and fake hoes that have a thousand of friends.I know that i don't need them because they are just loosers, they are just big 0 ! ! ! They don't have class, they think that they are have style and pretty clouths haha funny..before my change i didn't realize that i am beautiful, that i have good taste or class and that i have the rights to say no.I prefer to act like some snob and be alone, because i know that i am better than those people.

Now my new life is starting


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I finally can say that i've changed!The person i am today is not the person who i was week ago.Amazing how people can change in just one ...