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Echoes from the otherworld turn the horizon into endless ever present
Echoes.Many otherworlds true horizon takes a turn
Echoes reflect and change they serenade
Echoes reflect and change the serenade
Echoes from the otherworld turn the horizon into endless ever present
Echoes.Many otherworlds true horizon takes a turn
Echoes reflect and change they serenade
Echoes reflect and change the serenade
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SENTIMENTS — sentiments
«They're not little girls anymore»
Мне одной кажется, что вьюи лучше чем тамблер?
You'll go n I'll be okay, I can dream the rest away Its just a little touch of fate, it will be okay It sure takes its precious time, ...
Echoes from the otherworld turn the horizon into endless ever present
Echoes.Many otherworlds true horizon takes a turn Echoes refl...
GOOD Night, Dear Followers