Expectation of Tao: Mysterious, badass wushu-practicing maknae who will kick your ass
Reality: Aegyo-master who is forever cute, awkward and a crybaby. Also eats the most.
Expectation of D.O.: Sexy lead singer with the sexiest voice
Reality: Forever confused
Expectation of Luhan: Adorable, pretty, sweet and must logically be one of the youngest members
Reality: Adorable, pretty, sweet and is one of the oldest members. Also the laziest lol.
Expectation of Kai: Lead dancer who is also the face of the group, therefore must be extremely cool
Reality: Dork whose failed attempts at aegyo are forever endearing
Expectation of Chanyeol: Cute-faced therefore must be sweet and squishable
Reality: Deep-voiced rapper, dorky and has the most epic (and slightly creepy) face 80% of the time
Expectation of Se Hun: Cool, sexy dancer who appears cold. They can never convince me you're the maknae.
Reality: Forever awkward and loveable, I see why you are the maknae OTL
Expectation of Xiumin: Adorable squishy cheeks and sexy smile omg
Reality: dshjfghdfgg can I squish your cheeks now you adorable person you
Me: Why do they even bother with all these cool/badass concepts anymore OTLlll