16 июня 2012 года в16.06.2012 13:34 0 0 10 1

I’ve lost my mind.

I find the smallest little things fascinating. I look at people, anyone, just on the bus, and try to figure out what s/he’s thinking, or why they chose to wear what they did this morning. I picture them doing everyday activities, like eating, or watching TV. I try to imagine what there voice sounds like. Then they get off the bus, and I never think about them again. When I see scratches in floor boards, or wood in general. I think “that scratch had a story” I’ll never know the story, maybe not even the thing that made the scratch knows the story, but it has a story. Like when you’re in the car, and it’s raining, and the drops of waters race down the side windows. Some small ones are slow, but others pick up those small ones, and then they get faster and faster and then they get to the end of the window, and that’s it. Nothing left, other than the new drops of water that have now taken over. I think this metaphor really depicts life as a whole. Well it depicts how I’d like to see life. Unfortunately, life is nothing like this, in life there aren’t enough people helping out those small, slow drops of water. In real life people think about themselves only, no one else. I despise humanity with a burning passion. We’re all completely fucked. The older humanity gets the worse it gets. I don’t normally get worked up about things but this is an on going thing that has really been pissing me off lately. Today, on the bus, a lady, not an old lady, proably 32 years old, she was standing in front of me, so I stood to let her have my seat, she took it, but then this guy, same age as me, who was sitting across from where I was moments before, said to me, “why’d you let her sit down? When you were perfectly comfortable sitting down, but now instead you’re standing, swinging back an forth everytime the bus stops, dumb ass” I stood there, in such disbelievement, that is hopeless little fuck just said what he said. I replied “… She’s a lady, I’m a man, women are much more superior to men, and yes, I didn’t have to give her my seat, but I respect her., i dont know her, but she could have had a bad day, or she could have a sore knee, or not at all. She could have been offended by the fact I let her have a seat like I was saying she wasn’t capable of standing, but I still think it’s gentleman like to let her have my seat.” by this time people were watching. Then I noticed that the lady who I had just given my seat to had a friend who was also standing, I told the little prick to stand up and let her have his seat. He didn’t want to. Then an older gentleman, maybe in his 60’s who was sitting a few seats down stood up, and let the lady sit. He came over to me and shook my hand, and said “you my friend just changed my life, in a way I couldn’t imagine” My point is, people don’t have manners, I never hear anyone say please or thank you, I never see people hold a door for anyone, I never see people give a lady or a disabled person a seat, or a hand up the stairs. I never see young people pick up dropped change for other people, no, it isn’t there job to do that, but random acts of kindness will get you further in life than being a self centered little prick. So next time, please remember what I’ve said, and help out those small drops of water.


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