Our techer said us to write a composition. I haven't studied hard..so It isn't very good.
How I spend my weekends.
Pupiles had a three - day weekends because of Labor Day. It's holiday which celebrates in different countries by the economic and social contributions of workers.
"What was I doing?" you ask me. Nothing special. I have seen three films ab. Love for these three days.) From me point of view, they are spectacular. Besides, I've done all my homework. Not bad.) Unfortunatly, I haven't seen demonstration in our town cause It was rainy and rather cold. But I'm not too upset. I think, it wasn't very interesting and exciting.
Well, my weekends weren't so good as I wished.
P.S. Надеюсь у меня не сильно много ошибок, но могу сослаться на то, что утром голова работает плоховато :D