26 апреля 2012 года в26.04.2012 22:04 1 0 10 1


песня, которую я посвящаю себе, потому что я больше не нахожу в себе силы…но я должна.поэтому, Уитни, спасибо за то, что не даешь мне совсем опустить руки.спасибо, благодаря тебе, я знаю что теперь делать.

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier

Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfilled my needs
A lonely place to be and so I learned to depend on me

I decided long ago
Never to walk in anyone's shadows

If I fail, If I succeed
At least I lived as I believed

No matter what they take from me
They can't take away my dignity

Because the greatest love of all is happening to me
I've found the greatest love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all is easy to achieve
Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all

And if by chance that special place
That you've been dreaming of
Leads you to a lonely place
Find your strength in love

это песня кому-то. я просто хочу..просто take me for what i am.. без упреков, вопросов, молчания..просто забери меня.

Share my life, take me for what I am
Coz I'll never change all my colors for you

Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do

I don't really need to look very much further
I don't want to have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself
There's nowhere to hide

Well, don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there

Don't walk away from me…
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you, you, you…

You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of your love
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to


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