— I don't like that with every coversation we end up always talking about NYADA: what song you're gonna sing, what outfit you're gonna wear. And you call back how AMAZING New York is and it's like New York is the only thing we TALK about now, Kurt and it's like…..it's like you can't even wait to get out of here. How it's supposed to make me feel? In a few months you're gonna be gone, with this brand new life, these brand new friends, brand new everything and I'M gonna be right here…… by myself ….You're right, i have been distant and I'm sorry….but I'm just trying to practice what life is gonna be like without you. You're the love of my life, Kurt and I'm pissed off and I have to learn the next year would be alone.
— You're not gonna be alone. I promise, you aren't gonna lose me.
— I love you so much.
— I love you too.