вы все тут роспинаетесь про смерть Курта 18 лет назад, а у меня вот твиттер гудит от жалостливых сообщений рок-звезд о том, что сегодня умер Джим Маршалл (The Father of Loud or The Lord of Loud). Ну если вы конечно знаете про усилители Маршалл.
Dave Mustaine @ DaveMustaine
I have never been sadder than today. My dear friend and father figure Dr. Jim Marshall OBE has passed away. I am at a loss for words…
Nikki Sixx @ NikkiSixx
R.I.P. Jim Marshall. You were responsible for some of the greatest audio moments in music's history and 50% of all our hearing loss……
David Ellefson @ ellefsondavid
RIP Jim Marshall (Marshall amps) …the 'father of loud'. You made rock n roll what it is for so many of us. Thank you and God Bless.
Slash @ Slash
The news of Jim Marshall passing is deeply saddening. R & R will never be the same w/out him. But, his amps will live on FOREVER! \,, /,