25 марта 2012 года в25.03.2012 20:30 8 0 10 1

They are not perfect, but they can make you laugh at least once. Hold on to them when they need and give them the most you can. They're not thinking about you every moment, but they will give you a part of them that they know you could break, their respect. Love them, not tomorrow, not someday, not because you just need to love someone. Love them because they changed something in your life. Need them. Trust them. Admire them. They can do the wrong thing sometimes but nothing in the world can change the fact the we love them.
Don't hurt them. Don't try to change them. Smile when they make you happy. Cry when you know that they feel sad. Enjoy every moment that you can have with them. and just love. Because perfect boys don't exist. But there's always five boys who change our life every single day.


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