14 марта 2012 года в14.03.2012 16:32 3 0 10 1

Is the man a master of the universe can he change the image of our planet…

It's very interesting statement. It's such deep thing. Our planet is our home. It's very difficult and still unknown, in some spheres, thing.And one more thing - that WE are our PLANET. We are integral part of it. Becouse the universe is alive and developing every time, like we are.

People just forgot about it. They are selfish and greed in their essense. First of all they think about themselves, but not about the world, nature, ecology, animals.. It's very sad.

I consider that each man can change the image of our planet. Can make our universe better, cleaner, brighter, fresher! I think that the world is the human's face. So, if everyone become better, the planet would be better, too. Just don't be afraid to create new you and new world!


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Is the man a master of the universe can he change th...

It's very interesting statement. It's such deep thing. Our planet is our home. It's very difficult and still unknown, in some spheres, th...


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