13 марта 2012 года в13.03.2012 15:50 50 0 10 6

Bruno Mars feat. Diggy Simmons – Click Clack Away

Y ou got weapons of mass seduction
I f I was broke
I 'd give you half of nothing
O r give it all then I give you more
I 'm no decorator but the writing's on the wall
W inter summer fall, April, May and June
Y ou shot me through the heart but I don't have a wound
Y ou got a good aim cause I could've sworn I moved
W hen it comes to relationships I don't have a clue

L ove at first sight I don't know I zoom
Y ou put a hit on me ba da bing ba da boom
I f this is pain let me hurry up and suffer
W hat doesn't kill me should make my love tougher
I 'm tough now, whassup now
F ire at me I swear I won't duck down
W ow you had me in awe
Y ou ain't have to shoot girl
Y ou had me from the draw
Y ou shot me through the heart staring in your eyes
S o I might die a happy man today
J ust empty out your barrel girl
I t's alright
C lick clack away


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